Resident Success Story: Reclaiming Her Voice

Resident Success Story: Reclaiming Her Voice Resident Success Story... Shining a Light on Service...

Resident Success Story: Reclaiming Her Voice

Eugenia’s Journey of Resolve & Resiliency

Daines Village resident, Eugenia, underwent a significant change after she experienced a stroke three years ago. Transitioning from a life of full independence prior to the stroke, Eugenia subsequently grappled with expressing her needs and connecting with others. This challenge was compounded by a need for assistance with day-to-day tasks like walking, moving, and more than anything else, speaking.

Since then, Eugenia has made enormous strides in her progress toward a “new normal” with the aid of Resident Service Coordinator, Jane Hatcher. Jane helped Eugenia simplify communication and express her needs, creating a customized communication card that she has used to interact with others. Likewise, Jane connected Eugenia, a new grandmother, to monthly newborn and infant classes and financial wellness courses.

Reclaiming Her Voice

In April, Eugenia received her long-awaited Talk to Me communication device. This portable digital device empowers Eugenia via a touchscreen interface. It generates speech in real-time, allowing her to communicate in many types of environments with ease.

With her new device, Eugenia has much more autonomy and enjoyment when interacting with others. As the attached photos suggest, she is beaming with excitement. She has her voice back!

Beyond revolutionizing the simple task of communicating for Eugenia, she also has a gateway to experience joy in new ways. For example, Talk to Me went as far as to tailor her device to some of her likings, like McDonald’s. 😊

Moving Forward

Now that Eugenia has her voice back, it’s easier for her to continue working with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), which is helping her with vocational rehab, job training and job placement.

Recently, a case worker from OOD took Eugenia shopping for $250 worth of interviewing clothing for free as part of the program. She is being placed for job training at a Goodwill store in the next couple of weeks and looks forward to her next long-term goal: employment.

What began as a small, but significant step forward for Eugenia through Jane’s creation of a communication card has since evolved into a transformed life with renewed independence and hope.

“I’m just so happy and excited to be by her side in the journey back to herself,” says Jane. “Eugenia is a joy!”

Thank you, Jane, for continuing to advocate, support and cheer for Eugenia as she has paved a new life for herself! We are so proud of Eugenia and applaud her inspiring journey!