
Rosewind Teens Attend Five-Day College Tour

Rosewind Teens Attend Five-Day College Tour

This summer, nine youth residents of Rosewind Estates, a CMHA community, attended a five-day college tour across the southeast. These teens caught a glimpse of the college life by traveling to 10 different campuses, including: • Howard University • University of The District of Columbia • Virginia State University • Virginia Commonwealth University • Shaw

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CMHA Youth Attend 2nd Annual Youth Conference

CMHA Youth Attend 2nd Annual Youth Conference

On a day when they had the day off from school for a teachers’ professional development day, instead of lounging around and hanging out, about 40 youth residents of CMHA properties (from the 10 managed by Wallick Communities) spent the entire day at a conference. The conference was the second annual one put on through

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